
11 Days of Growth – Data Science Track

Download materials from the data science workshops.

Download slides & materials below:

Thanks for joining us in the data science workshops. You can download the presentation slides and re-watch the lessons below:

How to break into data science.

Learn the methods to become a data professional and take a bold step into transforming yourself and your career.

Master Python programming for data science.

Pick up programming tools for data science tasks – Python programming, one of the most versatile language.

How to handle a data science project.

Too many variables in a data science project? Learn what matter most and the skills to carry out a project.

Machine learning for A.I.

Learn the mechanics and components of Machine learning for Artificial Intelligence in this workshop.

Find your next investment property

Discover property insights that’s overlooked by using data science tools for your property investment portfolio.

Data science without coding

Learn how you can carry out a data science project without the need to code.

Teach computers to understand texts

Can computers understand human language? Yes they do, with NLP, deep learning, and much more.

Find your most valuable customer with RFM

Using data science to understand your customer better than they do about themselves. Learn RFM modelling now.

Create data visualizations

Create compelling data visualization that your boss and colleague would understand and make better decisions.

How Netflix Recommends Videos

Netflix uses your preferences and recommend you movies and videos that you likely to enjoy watching – how do they do that?

How to get a job in data science?

You have the skills and ability to carry out a data science project, but getting a job is beyond that. Find out more.

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Our courses and work are trusted by businesses small and big in Southeast Asia.