Entrepreneur NotebookDesigned for aspiring tech leaders & entrepreneurs
to record and plan their biggest ideas.
Entrepreneur NotebookDesigned for aspiring tech leaders & entrepreneurs to record and plan their biggest ideas.
Your Ideas Begin Here
We designed this as a canvas to bring your ideas to life. A personal space for you to pen down your best ideas. A reliable note-taking companion that works together with your digital lifestyle.
Go forth. Be a leader in your industry.
100+ Pages For Your Biggest Ideas
Write, sketch, plan and design your biggest ideas on high-quality environmental friendly paper (70GSM).
Filled with ruled lines, printed in light colour to guide you with your finest handwriting.
TAke it Everywhere
The Entrepreneur’s Notebook fits right in your palm and your back pocket. It’s made to be durable for your travels with strong PU leather used for its back and front cover. And it’ll never run out of battery.
Never again you’ll lose that idea you had while traveling or in a meeting.