
11 Days of Growth – Marketing Track

Download materials from the marketing workshops.

Download slides & materials below:

Thanks for joining us in the marketing workshops. You can download the presentation slides and re-watch the lessons below:

3 marketing skillsets to master right now.

Learn the skillsets of the modern-day digital marketer. Pick up essential marketing skills that help you to thrive.

Email marketing for beginners

Learn how to get your first 100 subscribers in this email marketing workshop.

3 SEO mistakes to fix right now

In this workshop, you’ll learn the 3 SEO mistakes to avoid and pick up fundamental skills to rank your website.

2X your revenue with copywriting

Learnt the basics of copywriting and how you can use specific words to your advantage and sell like crazy. 

Get your big marketing ideas with analytics

How to use data & web analytics to discover your next big marketing idea – and never run out of ideas ever.

5 tools we use to grow our businesses.

These are some the best marketing tools and software you’ll need for your business.


Turn profit with Facebook Ads, even if you know nuts.

The way to turn profitable with Facebook Ads is not so much on the technology – but more so towards your marketing funnel.


How to Ask for a Bigger Marketing Budget?

This is really more on how to charge more for your marketing services. A great workshop – take notes as you do this one.


Affiliate Marketing – How Does it Work? (And how to get started)

Affiliate marketing is a great vehicle to learn marketing, make money and to gain revenue, without having to create your own products.


Triple Your Engagement on Social Media

In this workshop, you’ll learn to use the DRAGON framework for success in social media marketing.


Build More Revenue – With the 80/20 Rule (Pareto Law)

Probably the best workshop in the whole series. Learn to scale your business using the 80/20 rule.

Trusted by the best

Our courses and work are trusted by businesses small and big in Southeast Asia.