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What drives our work is, “How can we help individuals grow – to do the work they love and build the business of their dreams?” And we do that by writing about practical ways to picking up technology, marketing and business.

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Headlines Matter More Than You Think.

Headlines Matter More Than You Think.

Whether you are in your blog writer, content writer, journalist, author, or editor you need headlines. Whether that’s at the title of your book or the title of your page it matters. Why though? Why is it SO important? Headlines of the first thing that your audience...

Every Beginner’s Skill Guide To Data Science

Every Beginner’s Skill Guide To Data Science

What exactly is data science and what makes data science skills unique? If you are a Data Science beginner looking to get into Data Science education, a Data Science career, or are simply a Data Science enthusiast- we've made a skill guide for you and your Data...

How to Choose a Data Science Degree in Malaysia 2021?

How to Choose a Data Science Degree in Malaysia 2021?

Interested in Data Science but not sure where to study or what to study? We hear you. One of the questions that our founder often receives is, “Dr Lau, which degree should I choose if I want to become a data scientist or data analyst? All degrees look the same, but I...

How to Write a Highly Readable Article?

How to Write a Highly Readable Article?

Do you or your company create content? It’s a highly nuanced game, isn’t it? First, you have to find which type of content worth creating, create it, and then wait for people to give it attention and actually read it. As a writer myself, I know that the most...

How To Build a Data Science Portfolio

How To Build a Data Science Portfolio

How to build a data science portfolio; an interview with the founder of LEAD. The first thing you think of when you apply to a Data Science position is: Is my portfolio good enough? I found many commonly asked questions plastered all over Quora. In hopes to address...

Why You Should Start A Blog In 2021, And How?

Why You Should Start A Blog In 2021, And How?

First off, what’s a blog? A blog is almost an online portfolio of your content, your interests, and your opinions. You can use blogging platforms such as WordPress, Medium.com, or Tumblr to post your content. Blogging is a way of showing your work without having to...

LEAD is a tech institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We have helped 1000s of students transformed their career.


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