
Get Customers Instantly With This Content Marketing Technique

Jun 16, 2021

Download: Workbook & content planner for this tutorial (PDF)

Does content marketing really work? You have seen tech startups, companies in the US, and Gary Vaynerchuk – shouting content, content, and content.

But what about your business in Malaysia? Is content marketing a good strategy for Malaysian businesses?

Especially if you’re a small-medium business, content marketing can seem like a difficult marketing strategy. It takes too much time to see results. As a business that is tied up for cash – you need customers and sales right away.

How To Get Customers with Content – Instantly

Not just instant, but this content strategy is actually super simple.

Watch the video below to learn the content strategy: 


This content marketing strategy works when combined with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Furthermore, it’s easy to rank a website in Malaysia, compared to ranking it globally. Not many businesses in Malaysia put effort into their SEO. This makes it a great opportunity for you to outrank your competitors.

Step 1 – Find out what people want.

Instead of guessing the type of content people want to consume, we’re going to find out what they are searching for.

Go to Google and search for a keyword that relates to your business.

I searched for ‘how to play tennis’.

You’ll find a list of results on the search engine results page. What I want you to focus on is the ‘People Also Ask‘ tab.


The reason we look under this tab is that these are the exact set of questions that people are Googling! These people are prospects, that can be turned into your customers.

Step 2 – Create content answering those questions.

Now that we know what our prospects are asking, we simply create content to answer their biggest questions. The format, whether video, article, social media posts – doesn’t really matter.

What matters is we answer their questions in the best possible way, and that our answers are searchable.

How to create search-able content.

In this example, we’re creating a written article. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make a video and upload it up to YouTube as well.

The key to SEO is to identify the platform where your potential customers are searching and then create relevant content to show up when they search.

The question you might have then is – okay, now that we’re answering questions, how do we rank our content to Google’s first page?

The answer is to create the best damn content on the planet. Create a content piece that answers those questions so thoroughly and complete, that Google has no choice but to show your content – when someone searches for it.

Here’s how my article skeleton looked like: 

It’s not a complete article, but you can see how I’ve positioned some of the questions to answer and made it into an ultimate content post.


All I have to do is to complete the article and post it up on my website.

And that’s really it.

Do this correctly and the webpage will rank on the top page of Google.

Step 3 – Promote your content.

In order for your content to rank, you must promote it. You cannot only rely on Google to find and index your content post.

The best way to promote your content is to send it to your email list. If you don’t have an email list yet, it’s a good time to start building one now.

You can start using Sendfox.com, as an affordable way to build an email list. Use my referral link to purchase Sendfox through AppSumo and get a USD10 off here: AppSumo


Take a deeper dive into content marketing: Learn more about Growth Marketing 360

What is content marketing & why does it work?

Content marketing is about influencing people’s purchasing decisions through the creation and promotion of content (videos, articles, social media posts).

The reason content marketing works is because humans are wired to consume content.

We have been consuming content since a hundred years ago – from newspapers, television, magazines, and now largely on social media.

It works because people hate to be sold to. But people love buying, believing that they are 100% in control of the purchasing decision. Instead of shouting your offers to customers, use content to indirectly influence your customers to buy your products and services.

Turn audience into customers with content.

Building an audience and turning them into customers is possible, even for businesses focusing on Malaysian customers.

However, it requires patience and consistency. Don’t expect your first content post to open a floodgate of customers for you. Rather, do it consistently and allow the effect to compound over time.

What does your content marketing strategy look like? Do you rely on SEO? Or do you focus only on social media – with the potential for your content to go viral? I’d love to hear from you. Comment below.

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