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Lessons From Data Science & Marketing Experts at D/M Summit

Lessons From Data Science & Marketing Experts at D/M Summit

We have been keeping something under wraps, just so we could get all the necessary background work done perfectly before we share it with you.  But now, its no longer a secret, is it? LEAD is proud to bring to you the first-ever virtual summit in Malaysia,...

What is inside a data scientist toolbox?

What is inside a data scientist toolbox?

This episode, we go deep in technical and learn from Edmund the tools, libraries, and framework that he uses for daily tasks. Also, we discuss why is data engineering important to a company? From a career point of view, we discussed how has being a generalist with...

How Can We Use Javascript in Data Science?

How Can We Use Javascript in Data Science?

  JavaScript, the most popular language for web development. Apart from that, can we use it for Data Science? In this blog post, I will share the use of JavaScript in my data scientist job and how you can use it to help you. My Background I have been actively...

LEAD is a tech institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We have helped 1000s of students transformed their career.


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