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What drives our work is, “How can we help individuals grow – to do the work they love and build the business of their dreams?” And we do that by writing about practical ways to picking up technology, marketing and business.

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We Work Semi-Remotely at Lead. Here’s How We Do It.

We Work Semi-Remotely at Lead. Here’s How We Do It.

We work semi-remotely at LEAD. Here's how we do it. Working remotely is not a new concept. People from different industries and careers have been doing it for decades.  At LEAD, we’re fortunate to be able to set up a team that works semi-remotely. In this post,...

A Note on the COVID-19 Lockdown

A Note on the COVID-19 Lockdown

All of us at LEAD are closely monitoring the COVID-19 development in the country. And if you're reading this, you are probably already prepared for the Movement Control order (a.k.a partial lockdown) issued by the Malaysian government. Every day we do our duty to...

What Should I Learn to Become a Full Stack Developer?

What Should I Learn to Become a Full Stack Developer?

As you would probably notice after scrolling through several job platforms that the "full stack developer" role have been preferred or more favourable compared to the past. And there are reasons for that which we will about discuss it below. We also have always been...

How Much Is the Salary of a Full Stack Web Developer?

How Much Is the Salary of a Full Stack Web Developer?

Whenever we run a webinar or course on full stack web development, we would inevitably get this question: “How much is the salary of a full stack web developer?” Here’s the fact. Your salary will ultimately depend on your skillset and negotiation skills. Though you...

8 Rules When Learning Web Development or Coding

8 Rules When Learning Web Development or Coding

After teaching full-stack web development courses to 1000s of students, we've gone to see some of our students go on to land interesting careers and some getting into great companies. In our aim to refine the way we teach, we've been observing how our students...

LEAD is a tech institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We have helped 1000s of students transformed their career.


Office (Kuala Lumpur):
LEAD, 1 Powerhouse, Horizon Penthouse, No, 1, Persiaran Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.