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EAGE Earth-Hack Hackathon on February 2019

EAGE Earth-Hack Hackathon on February 2019

The EAGE Earth-Hack Hackathon, a two and a half day event will be held in Kuala Lumpur on 22nd - 24th February 2019, where software developers, engineers and geoscientists will spend intensive hours to hack, test and experiment with the latest advancements in machine...

Data Analytics on A Budget

Data Analytics on A Budget

Have you had that impression that data science or big data analytics is something only big corporates can afford? Then you may be glad to find that data analytics can be done on a budget too - for free. If you're running a startup or learning to practice data science...

LEAD is a tech institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We have helped 1000s of students transformed their career.


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