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Better Profits by DIY Web Development (With CJ)

Better Profits by DIY Web Development (With CJ)

Every business has the potential to become an online business. A few leading examples now are Grab and FoodPanda. In fact, there’ll be more companies that will invest heavily in digitization after the pandemic.  In this post, we talked to CJ, who is in furniture...

Why You Need to Upskill in Data Science (With Kang)

Why You Need to Upskill in Data Science (With Kang)

The demand for data science and analytics talents in Malaysia still outstrips the supply. As more companies begin adopting data-driven practices to grow their business, current employees are finding themselves having to quickly upskill – or face redundancy. In this...

How to Optimize Your Web Content for SEO

How to Optimize Your Web Content for SEO

After working on several SEO projects for clients in Malaysia and successfully ranking their websites on Google for them, I’ve come to notice that too many SEO tutorials online tend to be very complicated. As a result – most people (maybe you!) give up on SEO, because...

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